Thursday 24 March 2011

Latihan soal Stoikiometri larutan (dalam bhs Inggris)


1.       Gas belerang trioksida dialirkan dalam larutan kalium hidroksida. Reaksi ion yang terjadi dapat dituliskan….
  1. SO3 (g) + 2 KOH (aq)                         2 K+ (aq)  + H2SO4 (aq)
  2. SO3 (g) + 2 OH- (aq)                            SO42- (aq)  +  H2O  (l)
  3. SO3 (g) + 2 KOH (aq)                         2 K+ (aq)  + H2SO4 (aq)
  4. SO3 (g) + 2 KOH (aq)                         2 K+ (aq)  + OH- (aq)  +  SO42- (aq)
  5. SO3 (g) + 2 KOH (aq)                         2 H+ (aq)  + SO42- (aq)
2.       Reactions bellow doesn’t produce gas element..
  1. H2SO4 + Na2CO3
  2. K2SO3  + HNO3
  3. Na2S + HCl
  4. Fe + HNO3
  5. NaCl + AgNO3

3.       Salt bellow in the water, Sulphate acid and chloride acid produce solid.
  1. AgNO3
  2. Ba(NO3)2
  3. Pb(NO3)2
  4. CaCl2
  5. Hg(NO3)2
4.       10 mL NaOH solution 0.05 M tepat bereaksi dengan larutan berikut, kecuali….
a.       10 mL HCl 0.05 M
b.       5 mL CH3COOH 0.1 M
c.       5 mL H2SO4 0.05 M
d.       1 mL HNO3 0.5 M
e.       10 mL H2SO4 0.0025 M
5.       To make 4 gram Ferrum(III)Sulphate (Mr= 400) from Ferrum(III)oxide is needed 0.1 M H2SO4 solution …mL
  1. 10
  2. 30
  3. 100
  4. 300
  5. 600
6.       Reaction:
3 Ca(NO3)2 (aq)  + 2 NO3PO4 (aq)                Ca3(PO4)2 (s)  +  6 NaNO3 (aq)
      10 mL Ca3(PO4)2 1M is mixed with 10 mL Na3PO4 2 M produce solid…gram.
      (Ar O= 16, Na= 23, P= 31, Ca=40)
  1. 0.85
  2. 1.03
  3. 1.55
  4. 3.10
  5. 3.95
7.       100 mL NaCl solution is react with over argentums nitrate solution produce 7.175 gram of argentums chloride solid.
NaCl (aq) + AgNO3 (aq)                                  AgCl (s)  +  NaNO3 (aq)
      % NaCl is…. (P=1.03 kg/L)
  1. 1.42 %
  2. 2.56 %
  3. 2.84 %
  4. 3.01 %
  5. 5.12 %
8.       In STP, 11.2 L NH3 gas and chloride acid produce 1 L solution.
Ion reaction: NH3 (g) + H+ (aq)           NH4+ (aq)
      Concentration NH4 ion in that solution is…mol/L.
  1. 11.2
  2. 5.0
  3. 1.12
  4. 0.5
  5. 0.224
9.       100 mL HCl 0.1 M reacts perfectly with ….mL KOH 0.5 M.
  1. 100
  2. 50
  3. 20
  4. 10
  5. 5
10.   NaOH solution for neutralizing 50 mL H2SO4 0.2 M solutions is….mol.
a.       0.02
b.       0.04
c.       0.2
d.       1
e.       2
11.    100 mL silver nitrate 0.1 M with 100 mL calcium chloride 0.2 M produces silver chloride solid.
       Mass of silver chloride solid is…. (Ar Ag = 108 and Cl = 35.5)
  1. 1.435 gram
  2. 2.87 gram
  3. 5.74 gram
  4. 14.35 gram
  5. 28.7 gram
12.   Reaction bellow produces hydrogen gas, except…..
a.       CaCO3 (s) + HCl (aq)
b.       Na2CO3 (aq) + HCl  (aq)
c.       FeS (s) + HCl (aq)
d.       Fe (s) + HNO3 (aq)
e.       NaOH (aq)  + HNO3 (aq)
13.   One gram of metal bellow is dissolved in suphat acid in low concentration. Metal that will produce the biggest value of hydrogen gas is….
  1. Al (Ar = 27)
  2. Zn (Ar = 65)
  3. Mg (Ar = 24)
  4. Na (Ar = 23)
  5. Fe (Ar = 56)
14.   5.4 aluminium metal in 100 mL H2SO4 5 M solution. It is measured in certain pressure and temperature, there is 2 L of NO gas 3 gram. So, the volume of hydrogen gas is…L.
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8
  5. 10
15.   The mixing of aluminium and calcium 4.7 gram reacts with 100 HCl 4 M until equivalence. Mass of each metal is….
  1. 0.7 g Al and 4 g Ca
  2. 1.35 g Al and 3.35 g Ca
  3. 2.7 g Al and 2 g Ca
  4. 3.35 g Al and 1.35 g Ca
  5. 4 g Al and 0.7 g Ca
16.   Reaction of ammonia gas and Sulphate acid produce ammonium Sulphate. Ion reaction: ….
  1. NH3 (g) + 2 H+ (aq) +SO42- (aq)                 NH4+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) + H2O (l)
  2. NH3 (g) + H2 (g) +SO42- (aq)                 NH4+ (aq) + HSO4- (aq) + H2O (l)
  3. NH3 (g) +  H+ (aq) +SO42- (aq)                     NH4+ (aq) + HSO4- (aq) + H2O (l)
  4. NH3 (g) + SO2 (g)                      (NH4)2SO4 (aq)
  5. NH3 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq)                      (NH4)2SO4 (aq) + H2O (l)
17.   Reaction bellow produces solid.
  1. 2 AgNO3 (aq) + BaCl2 (aq)
  2. NH3 (g) + H2SO4 (aq)
  3. CaO (s) + H2O (l)
  4. SO3 (g)  + H2O (l)
  5. NaOH (aq) + SO3 (aq)
18.   Unsure with 2 valences has oxide 60%. Atomic mass of oxygen is 16. So, the value of atomic mass of that unsure is….
a.       8
b.       12
c.       24
d.       32
e.       48
19.   Base oxide is ….
  1. Cl2O
  2. CO2
  3. HgO
  4. P2O3
  5. SO2
20.   Acid from Cl2O3 is….
  1. Chlorate
  2. Per chlorate
  3. Chlorate (I)
  4. Hypo chlorite
  5. Chlorite


1.         If you decompose 500.0 g of sodium chloride, how many grams of sodium are produced?
2.         If you combust 250.0 g of nonane, how many liters of oxygen are consumed to make the reaction go to completion? Assume STP.
3.         If you react 450.0 g of copper (II) nitrate with excess calcium, how much copper (II) is produced.
4.         If you react 400.0 g of ammonium dichromate with excess mercury (I) phosphate, many grams of the mercury containing compound will be formed?
5.         The equation for photosynthesis is: carbon dioxide + water (with light) = oxygen and glucose (C6H12O6). If 100.0 g of water reacts with excess carbon dioxide, how many liters of oxygen will be produced? Assume STP.
6.         Using the equation above, what is the minimum number of grams of carbon dioxide that you would need to start with in order to get 1000.0 g of glucose?
7.         If you start with 5.0 x 1043 molecules of cyclopentane, how many grams of carbon dioxide are produced in this combustion reaction?
8.         If you start with 3.32 moles of potassium dichromate and you react it with excess lead (IV) iodide, how many moles of the lead compound are produced?
9.         If you react 37.0 g of calcium chloride with magnesium chromate, how many grams of each product are produced?
10.     Consider the following question: If you have 47.0 atoms of aluminum sulfate, how many grams of aluminum sulfate do you have? Explain why this is not a stoichiometry problem. Which produces more sodium, the decomposition of 1000.0 grams of sodium chloride or the single displacement reaction of 1000.0 grams of sodium sulfate with excess lead (IV)?
11.     You begin with 45.76 g of sodium chloride and an unlimited supply of lead (III) oxide. If a reaction does occur, how many grams of the lead (III) chloride are produced? Oh yeah, lead (III) oxide and salt don't react with one another. This is a challenging problem; keep at it!
12.     Balance the following reactions:
1.         Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe3O4 + CO2
2.         Fe3O4 + CO -> FeO + CO2
3.         C12H22O11(s) + O2(g) -> CO2(g) + H2O
4.         Fe(s) + O2(g) -> Fe2O3
5.         Ca(s) + H2O(l) -> Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)
13.     Over the years, the thermite reaction has been used for welding railroad rails, in incendiary bombs, and to ignite solid-fuel rocket motors. The reaction is:
Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) -> 2Fe(l) + Al2O3(s)
What masses of iron(III) oxide and aluminum must be used to produce 15.0 g iron? What is the maximum mass of aluminum oxide that could be produced? How much aluminum oxide would be produced if the yield is 93%?


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